Les couleurs (the colors)

Bonjour! Today: a lesson for beginners! Les couleurs! The colors!

Un mandala du Tibet: beaucoup de couleurs! (many colors!)

Today we are learning about colors.
to listen to this lesson, click on the player:

une couleur a color
les couleurs the colors

rouge pour les nonnes bouddhistes (red for the Buddhist nuns)

Savon: soap. Lilas blanc: white lilac

"Violette": the flower; "Violet" (Vee-oh-leh): the color

rouge red
orange orange
jaune yellow
vert green
bleu ("bluh") blue
violet purple
rose pink
gris grey
noir black
blanc ("blãh" -final "c" is silent) white
marron brown
NB: "brun" is also the color "brown", but we mostly use it for hair. For other things, we prefer "marron".

Here is an exercise to practice the vocabulary:

Quelles couleurs? Which colors?

Audrey Tautou/Coco Chanel:

©Sandrine de Paris


ou... (or...)

©Daniel Beltra/Greenpeace / REUTERS

Le sol (the floor) et la table (and the table):

Chez Frida Kahlo, au Mexique
(House of Frida Kahlo, in Mexico)


Le bébé Victor:


Jeannie Longo:

Jeannie Longo is an amazing cyclist! Check her out on Wikipedia!

Le chocolat!

Solutions : go to the corrections page.

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