grammaire : "tu", "te" or "toi"

Bonjour! Today, a lesson to review some basics. When do you use "tu", "te" and "toi"? (level A1, A2)

Paris, I love you

Aujourd'hui, nous parlons de "tu", "te" et "toi".
Listen to/read the lesson and practice with the exercises!

Tu ("tüh") is the subject (i.e. it does the action, it is the subject of the verb)
Tu es française (You are French -"you" is the subject of "to be")
Tu ne sors pas le soir (You don't go out at night)
Tu te réveilles à 5 heures du matin (You wake up at 5 am -the verb)
>>> Tip: "Tu" like "Je" is the subject -each time you can replace "You" by "I" and not "me",  it means you should use "Tu"

Te ("tuh") is an object pronoun
Je te téléphone (I call you) "Je" is the subject of the verb and does the action, "Te" is the object of the verb, the action is done to "te"
Je t'aime = te becomes t' before a vowel
Ils te disent bonjour (they say hello to you)
Te is also used with reflexive verbs ("you do something to yourself") or pronominal verbs ("se" verbs)
Tu te regardes dans le miroir (you look at yourself in the mirror)
Tu te lèves   (verb: "se lever" -You get up)
>>> The object pronoun "te" is placed before the verb:
Elle ne te connaît pas She doesn't know you
- When there are two verbs, it is placed before the relevant verb (usually the second verb)
Je veux te téléphoner (te goes with "téléphoner" = I want to call you, it does not go with "want" ≠  I want you)
Ils vont t'inviter -They are going to invite you: this is the future, aller + verbe infinitif, the pronoun goes before the infinitive verb
Je vais te poser une question (I am going to ask you a question)

Toi ("twah") is the stressed pronoun.
Used at the end of a sentence, after a préposition (avec, de, pour, sans, etc. when you want to say: for you, with you, without you, next to you etc.)
Je travaille pour toi I work/am working for you

Elle voyage avec toi She travels/is traveling with you

Je suis assise à côté de toi I am sitting next to you

When the pronoun needs to be emphasized, or when you point at someone:
Je vais bien, et toi? (I'm well, how about you?)
Toi? Tu penses le contraire? You? You think the opposite?
Moi, je suis française et toi, tu es belge. Me, I am French and you, you are Belgian
Yourself/your own = toi-même
Tu fais la cuisine toi-même You do your own cooking = you cook yourself

NB: The imperative (= command) uses "-toi" too: Assieds-toi! = sit (yourself) down; Lève-toi! (get up-"raise yourself"), Regarde-toi! (look at yourself) -we'll see this another time...

1- fill in the blank with tu, te, t' ou toi
2- translate the sentence
3- go to the correction page to check your responses, find the translations and hear an audio recording of these sentences

A-  habites à la campagne.
J'habite en ville? Et  ?
Elle ne  dit pas bonjour.
Elle ne se souvient pas de .
Moi, ça va. Et  ?

B- Je vais  appeler demain soir
Il part en voyage avec 
Elle voudrait parler
Et Julie:  la connais?
Moi, je ne sais pas où est la poste. Mais , tu le sais.

C- Je veux  présenter à mes amis.
Nous  aimons beaucoup.
ne  souviens pas de ce film.
J'ai passé une bonne soirée avec  .

D-  Tu répares ta voiture -même.
couches à quelle heure, le soir?
Je m'appelle Pierrette. Et  , appelles comment?

E- How do you say/Comment dites-vous:
I know you.
You? You are Swiss.
I wait for you.
I'm listening to you/I listen to you
She is speaking/speaks to you

click here to go to the correction page

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