B2 - Test / C1 - Révisions

Après une séance de yoga,
il a _______ sa sérénité.

Cet exercice met en application certaines expressions trouvées dans la chanson de Dalida, Il venait d'avoir 18 ans (pour trouver cette chanson, cliquez ici.)

1- Replacez les mots manquants (en italiques) dans les phrases incomplètes.
2- Ecoutez la version audio (plus bas)

Avant l'été dernier, il n'_________ jamais vu la mer. aura / a / avait
Tu est trop stressé ! Tu me __________ dingue ! mets / rends / fais 
Ça m'a ________ rigoler de repenser à son costume du dernier Carnaval ! donné / fait / eu
Demain, je vais _________ mon appartement en vente. rendre / faire / mettre
On _______ d'arriver quand elle nous a appelés. seulement / juste / venait
Les ouvriers se sont __________ en grève. finis / appelés / mis
J'ai fait tout le ménage ___________ qu'elle était au marché. avant / pendant / à cause 
J'___________ bien aimé le voir avant de partir. avais / aurais / irais
Il est parti ___________ se retourner. sans / avant / après
Il était énervé, mais près une séance de yoga, il a __________ sa sérénité. repris / retrouvé / sauvé

Pour voir votre résultat, cliquez ici !

Exercice et image ©Sandrine de Paris

Chanson: Dalida, Il Venait d'Avoir 18 Ans

Levels B2 to C2. Different level? What's my level? Click here.

Dalida en 1967

Bonjour ! Aujourd'hui, je vous propose un exercice audio sur une chanson de Dalida. Dalida peut être classée dans la catégorie des Divas de la chanson française. La Dalida dont je me souviens, c'est celle des années 70/80: strass, paillettes et cheveux blonds volumineux, chantant et dansant sur des plateaux de télé extravagants.

La Dalida dont je me souviens...

Je n'étais pas vraiment fan de ses chansons disco à l'époque, mais j'étais sans doute la seule, vu les millions de disques qu'elle a vendus. Je préfère de loin ses tubes plus classiques. Mes préférés : L'histoire d'un amour et celui que je vous propose aujourd'hui: Il venait d'avoir 18 ans.

Exercice: Ecoutez la chanson et replacez les mots manquants.

Attention: Dalida roule les "r" (She rolls her Rs!)

Il venait d'avoir 18 ans         

Il venait d'avoir 18 ans
Il était beau comme un enfant

Fort comme un .
C'était l'été évidemment 
Et j'ai compté en le voyant
Mes nuits d'.
J'ai mis de l'ordre à mes cheveux

Un peu plus de noir sur mes yeux
Ça l'a rire
Quand il s'est approché de moi

J' donné n'importe quoi
Pour le séduire
Il venait d'avoir 18 ans
C'était le plus bel argument

De sa victoire
Il ne m'a pas parlé d'amour

Il pensait que les mots d'amour
Sont .
Il m'a dit : "j'ai envie de toi"
Il avait vu au cinéma

Le Blé en herbe
Au creux d'un lit improvisé

J'ai découvert
Un ciel superbe
Il venait d'avoir 18 ans
Ça le presque insolent

De certitude
Et pendant qu'il se rhabillait

Déjà vaincue, je retrouvais
Ma solitude
J'aurais le retenir
je l'ai laissé partir

Sans faire un geste
Il m'a dit "c'était pas si mal"

Avec la candeur infernale
De sa jeunesse
J'ai mis de l'ordre à mes cheveux
Un peu plus de noir sur mes yeux

Par habitude
J'avais oublié simplement
Que j'avais fois 18 ans.

Ça vous a plu? Allez plus loin !
- Pour voir vos résultats, cliquez ici.
- Pour une explication de la grammaire et du vocabulaire de la chanson, cliquez ici
- Pour faire un exercice d'application utilisant le vocabulaire et la grammaire de la chanson, cliquez ici.

un decor digne d'une diva

J'ai trouvé toutes ces belles photos (non créditées, malheureusement) sur un site de fan que je vous recommande : Dalida Eternelle.

*L'histoire d'un amour de C. Almaran, VF de F. Blanche
Il venait d'avoir 18 ans de Pascal Sevran

These lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner and we in no way take copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us!

Les Niveaux - The Levels

To get started, find a lesson at your level : 

A1 : Beginnings

A2 : Pre-Intermediate

B1 : Intermédiaire

B2 : Avancé

C1 : Très Avancé

C2:  Perfectionnement
...or browse the column on the right >>>

...Wait! How do I know my level?
Before I post a set of tests to self-evaluate, just browse the levels and see what suits you best...

Levels A1 to C2 follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.  

Level buttons design and creation by

B2: test de connaissances (1)

Bonjour !
Today, level B2. Not your level? Go here!

Je vous propose aujourd'hui un nouveau pot-pourri d'expressions, de vocabulaire et de points de grammaire en tout genre. Ainsi, vous pouvez vous tester et voir quels points vous devriez approfondir ou réviser.

La pièce ______ laquelle il joue a beaucoup de succès.


Lexique: vocabulaire courant, expressions
Grammaire: points divers du niveau B2
- Ce qui / ce que
- Pronoms relatifs complexes

Exercice suggéré:
- Replacez les mots manquants (colonne de droite) dans les phrases
- Ecoutez les phrases
et répétez-les.
- Notez les expressions et tournures intéressantes

Vous avez 3 possibilités:
- écouter et compléter en même temps
- écouter sans lire (pour pratiquer l'écoute)
- lire et compléter l'exercice avant d'écouter

Ecoutez les phrases en cliquant ici:

Bonne chance ! (Et n'oubliez pas de regarder le vocabulaire en fin de leçon)
Vous avez fini ? Très bien vérifiez vos résultats sur la page des réponses.

Un peu de vocabulaire ?
Pour un test du même niveau, avec le vocabulaire ci-dessus, rendez-vous sur cette leçon.

A bientôt!

You, You have, You are

Bonjour! Bienvenue! Today, a second step. Tu, Vous... it's all about YOU!

"Tu es une bonne amie !" -You are a good friend!

- You are, You have
- You: informal, singular

- You: formal or plural

Vocabulaire: - Sir, Madam
- At the bakery

Learn how to say:
"You own/ You have"
"Do you have…?" (in a store)

You are
/ Are you… ?

You = Tu (informal, singular) or Vous (polite or plural)

Audio: Update: AUDIO OUT OF ORDER! 
(audio host is no longer hosting...)
Will try and fix that....

Tu es, Vous êtes (you are)
Tu as, Vous avez (you have)

- tu es française / vous êtes française = you are French (female)
- tu es français / vous êtes français = you are French (male)
- tu as un téléphone / vous avez un téléphone = you have/own a telephone
- tu as un sac bleu / vous avez un sac bleu = you have/own a blue bag

C'est compris ? -Understood?


More vocab:
Even more vocab:
Now, un exercice, two exercises to practice your new knowledge. D'accord ? Agreed?

To hear the sentences, press the button:

Très bien! Voici un autre exercice. Here is another exercise:
"Tu es" (You are) or "Tu as" (You have) ?


You can find all the answers here.
A bientôt ! See you soon!

Lesson and photo ©Sandrine de Paris

First steps: Je, Je suis, J'ai, Un, Une

Bonjour! Here's a lesson for beginners.
How to proceed? Read the lesson, learn the vocab, practice with the exercise.

"Cocorico ! Je ______ français !" *
(Le coq de Villemoustaussou dans l'Aude)

What you are going to learn today:

- I
- I am, I have
- The article "a"/ "an" / the number "one"

Lexique :

- "I own/ I have"

- "I am"

I = JE or J' (when preceding a vowel)
JE SUIS = "juh swee" (I am)
J'AI = "jeh" (I have)

The indefinite article A or AN :
UN (masculine)
pronounced:  a nasal "eh", i.e. let the air go through your nose while pronouncing "eh"
-don't pronounce the final "n"
UNE  (feminine)
pronounced: "ühnn" (close to "Prune")

NB: Un or Une also mean the number ONE
Un fruit ("frwee")= a fruit / one fruit
Une fleur ("flurr")= a flower / one flower

Prêt? Ready? Now, using what you have just learned and your intuition, do the exercise herebelow.
Un exercice ("åh-negg-zehr-sees") = an exercise.

Amusez-vous bien ! (Ah-muzeh-voo-byåh) Have fun!

J'ai or je suis ?
un sac français
une touriste en France
un touriste à San Francisco
un appartement à Paris
une maison en France
à Paris
un dollar
un Euro
à San Francisco

Congratulations on taking this first step !
-Or as we say : bravo !

-You can find the answers and the translation here.

Le coq
est l'emblème de la France.

The rooster is the emblem of France. In French, the rooster sings "Cocorico !", which has become a national(ist) victory shout. If you read it on the front page of a newspaper, chances are that some national sports team or athlete just won a major international competition.

to take the next step? Want to learn about "you" (I'm sure you do!), click here.

Photo and lesson © Sandrine de Paris

B2: test de connaissances

Aujourd'hui, une leçon pour le niveau B2. Il s'agit d'un test, c'est à dire d'un "pot-pourri" de vocabulaire, de points de grammaire et de références culturelles.

Le Clos Lucé est l'endroit ___ Léonard de Vinci résidait, à Amboise
Le Clos Lucé est l'endroit _____ Léonard de Vinci résidait,
à Amboise.

Lexique: vocabulaire courant
- Expression de l'échec (failure)
Grammaire: points divers du niveau B2
- Conditionnel présent et passé
- Pronoms relatifs

Culture: lieux historiques d'importance
Exercice suggéré:
- Replacez les mots manquants (colonne de droite) dans les phrases
- Ecoutez les phrases (avant ou après avoir fait l'exercice)
et répétez-les.
- Notez les expressions et tournures intéressantes

Pour écouter les phrases, cliquez ici:

A vous!


Vous avez fini ? Bravo !

Vous pouvez trouver les réponses ici.

Focus du jour:

Plus de vocabulaire:

Bravo! Bon travail! A bientôt!

Pour plus de renseignements sur le Clos Lucé et son célèbre résident Léonard de Vinci, rendez-vous sur la page Wikipedia. Vous pouvez trouver ici les informations sur la gare de Carcassonne.

Photographie du Clos Lucé: Patrick Giraud

Qui est Sandrine de Paris? Who is Sandrine de Paris?


Who I am :
- I am a professional French teacher from Paris currently living and working in San Francisco, CA
- Sorbonne educated
- postgraduate degree in French as a Foreign Language
- trilingual (French, English, Spanish)
- 16 years teaching French to Foreigners in France and in the US
- 8 years working at one of the most acclaimed language schools in Paris
- tutoring adult students of all ages and needs at every level, from advanced University French to introductory French
- tutoring students of French who face academic challenges
- raised in the Loire Valley (i.e. standard French accent!)

My job as a teacher :
→ I teach real-life French, and provide my students with cultural, grammatical, lexical tools to help them achieve their goals.

→ I am patient, gentle, efficient, enthusiastic, and dedicated to teaching my native language in a way that helps build confidence.

→ I like to consider my approach as that of a personal trainer, encouraging my students to improve and build up strength and skills through a personalized, progressive -and pleasant- approach.

→ I provide first-class tutoring for students with high standards.

My students :
- francophiles with a passion for the French language and culture, and a strong motivation to learn and speak French
- adults of all ages who are planning on making the most of their next trip to France
- students/professors with specific academic needs.

A little more about my private teaching :
- Each curriculum is custom-made. The content of my lessons depends essentially on my students' needs and wants, strengths and weaknesses and learning strategies.
- I start the lesson with conversation, correction of homework, or some interesting document as a warm-up, and make it the basis of the lesson.
- I always include grammar because it's the backbone of a language (but always in context, as a tool to be used in situation)
- Throughout the lesson, I take notes and write down *everything* we do/talk about/work on (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics). This written document is then given to my student at the end of the class for further personal practice. This way, nothing is lost.
- I am gentle, but I *do* correct mistakes! (In a positive and encouraging way.)
- I don't work from a textbook (I often find them confusing and not in touch with reality! And they have an odd approach of progression...) I prefer a more personalized curriculum. I have my own documents, which I created. I can also recommend an excellent grammar book.
- I can give homework to students who wish to practice in between lessons (*highly* recommended!).
- I have worked for many years as a French teacher, which means that I am very flexible in my teaching (i.e. I can adapt to my students' ways of learning). I can address a question from different angles. I know what works, I have my tricks, and can explain things that don't seem to make sense. I am also used to teaching anglophones, and am very familiar with common mistakes and challenges.

For an idea about my work, please browse my blog!

I teach face to face or via Skype.
Contact me!  
sandrine {at} sandrinedeparis {dot} com

What they say about me :
"I've been going to France for visits regularly since the 70s, so I speak some French and have a number of French friends. But I hadn't visited for a while, and I needed help getting my tongue and mind working again before going back, so I called Sandrine. She was the perfect teacher. She tailored her lessons to my needs and to my level, she gave me challenging and entertaining assignments, and she made detailed notes of all the phrases I had trouble with so I could review them later. After a few lessons, I noticed I was speaking with more fluency and more confidence. Sandrine is an exceptional guide to the French language. I have had several tutors over the years, and Sandrine is by far the most rigorous instructor and her sessions the most engaging. I recommend her whole-heartedly. I look forward to my next lesson!"
Jeffrey F.

"If you are searching for a French instructor and have found Sandrine, congratulations your search is over!
From my experience, if you are serious about learning French you need both a native speaker AND a teacher.
Sandrine is both. Her ability to teach and what that means for the student can't be over-emphasized.
For example, Sandrine would let topics come naturally, she had a flexible agenda. If we happened to be talking about "my brothers",
she would have a lesson ready right there to talk about possessive pronouns. If we were talking about the coming weekend,
she was ready to teach about the future tense. She has a flexible schedule, was able to meet with short notice and is very organized.
From my first lesson with Sandrine where we bumped into a number of her students, I knew I had found someone great.
I'm off to a French speaking country thanks to Sandrine and I'll absolutely be continuing with her when I get back."
Joshua B., MD

"I was referred to Sandrine by a French tutor on Craig's list who was a bit too far away from my neighborhood. I'm so grateful she passed on Sandrine's information because I have no doubt she sent me the best in the business. Weekly for a year and a half, Sandrine met a friend and me in cafés around the city and taught us French lessons from square one. I knew nothing at the onset, and today, I've just returned from a 3-week stay in Paris where I was able to get around, ask questions, make restaurant reservations over the phone and have polite conversation with ease. At one point my husband even said with surprise, "I'm really impressed with your French."
Sandrine's teaching style is conversational, practical, engaging and interesting. We covered the basics like time, place, season and day-to-day items, but we also let the conversation veer into personal updates and plans and ideas, which really expanded our vocabulary and exemplified the sort of speaking we'd be wanting to practice in "real" life. Besides being a fantastic tutor, Sandrine is charming, funny, patient and brilliant. I think she's teaching herself Hebrew now--the fifth of her spoken tongues. This woman has a gift for language and makes learning a new one fun. I can't recommend her highly enough."
Jamie S., Mill Valley, CA

"Sandrine isn’t my first tutor, but she is the best. Her assistance was invaluable and aided me tremendously during my last vacation to France and Paris. She is great for beginners, like me, and for those who are very advanced. / Sandrine n'est pas mon premier précepteur, mais, elle est la meilleure. Son assistance a été inestimable et m’a aidé immensément pendant mes vacances en en France et à Paris. Elle est fabuleuse pour les débutants, comme moi, et pour les très avancés."
Peter B.

“Sandrine first started helping me with my French during my sophomore year at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep, when I was struggling with the language. I had a strict teacher instructing my Honors French class at a fast pace and I was having a hard time keeping up.
Sandrine’s style of teaching was truly a breath of fresh air from the style I was used to with my high school teacher. She took the language and made it something that I wasn’t scared of anymore, and even made it fun! She was skilled at conveying grammatical concepts to me, as that was a major part of my homework that we focused on. She would talk me though the grammar with many examples to make sure I understood it, and if I still was struggling, she would give me an example of the phrase in English. She was always sure to make sure all my questions were answered by the end of the session, never rushing to finish just because our hour was up.
Sandrine really encouraged me to speak with her in French, and while this was hard for me at first, it slowly became easier the more sessions we had together. Sandrine was always on time and reliable when it came to our tutoring sessions.
I can honestly say that Sandrine is the reason why I did well in my high school French classes, which prompted me to continue studying it at college. She encouraged me to not be afraid of making mistakes and made it something I looked forward to learning, rather than something I dreaded. I have continued to study French at Boston University and just got accepted to BU’s Paris Internship program for next fall. Sandrine was one of the first people I wrote to tell that I was accepted, because I do feel that she played a large role in solidifying my love for the French language.”
Tess B.

"Sandrine is absolutely the best French teacher I’ve ever had in all the years that I’ve studied French, and our lessons were always the highlight of my week. With Sandrine, my French speaking abilities and confidence improved dramatically, and she personalized my lessons to fix the specific mistakes I made. She also helped me speak more like a native speaker, versus teaching me “classroom French”. Her custom homework assignments were truly helpful, and I recommend Sandrine to anyone at any level, whether to learn French for the first time or to advance to fluency with confidence. Merci, Sandrine!"
Larissa M.

"Sandrine is a wonderful, experienced, flexible and creative French teacher with an immense background and knowledge in the language. She is also a lovely human being which makes taking lessons from her a joy. She kindly and patiently assesses skill levels and creatively personalizes lessons that best facilitate learning. In the past year, for one hour a week, we have learned and advanced our French tremendously with Sandrine's expert help. We would highly recommend anyone, at any skill level, and any age, interested in learning French, give Sandrine a call. Elle est merveilleuse!"
Marcus and Anne Marie R.

“I have known Sandrine since 1997. We met when we were both working at the same language school in Paris, France. She was one of the French teachers on the staff and I was in charge of coordinating school programs and the teaching staff. As a French language teacher, Sandrine is one of the most competent and talented colleague I have ever had to work with. Early on in her career, she developed a lively communicative way of teaching French with the basic idea that language teaching is about making people connect in various ways. She is able to make students discover and progressively understand basic and advanced French grammar rules and concepts through an inductive method that we chose to use in the language school where we worked, making the students active in the observation of grammar features, elaboration of subsequent rules and concepts and gradual understanding of various nuances of meaning and use through oral and written training activities.
The way she teaches French is not only based on grammar. It covers all areas of language teaching, helping students to acquire comprehension and production skills in oral and written French, as well as expending lexical knowledge and discovery of various up-to-date cultural elements of the francophone world.
Sandrine has now acquired a wide experience of teaching French to English speakers. It started at the language school in Paris where we welcomed many anglophone students and she has since carried on developing her expertise.
On a professional level, she is a reliable, punctual, trustworthy colleague who has on many occasions proven her sense of independence and self-sufficiency. She is dedicated to her work, her students, creative in many ways (with the French language, when selecting documents to be used for teaching/tutoring, when designing learning activities).
She is also a generous colleague within a staff team, ready to share her ideas on teaching/learning material, activities, techniques, etc.
Sandrine's personal qualities are an asset to her professional skills: she is a delightful fun-to-be with person, at ease with other people and making them feel the same way. She is a great listener and at the same time always enjoys sharing thoughts, making new discoveries etc. She is not afraid of challenges, likes to speak her mind when she needs to. She is honest and straightforward.”
Véronique L., Paris

"What can I say, Sandrine is fabulous!
Punctual, professional, cheerful, patient, my overall experience with her is positive.
When I first began working with Sandrine I was lost in a French 1B class. Sandrine began by working with my text book and homework assignments.
Soon, by using own words and expressions she turned my thoughts into French. French is a marvelously nuanced language, Sandrine provides insight and awareness of this. In addition, she writes down the relevant issues for study and rewriting practice later. Overall, Sandrine provides a very workable, comprehensive and organized approach to studying the French language. "
Paula K.

"Sandrine works at your level and engages you with interesting conversations that makes the learning rewarding and enjoyable. She is very professional and provides a learning style that makes French easy at the level that is meaningful for her new students."
Leo V. Ph.D.

"Sandrine makes learning French fun. She is patient and can customize the lesson to suit your travel needs and lifestyle. We go over reading, writing, grammar, as well as conversation. I look forward to my lesson each week!"
Rykarda P.

"Sandrine worked with my schedule to provide me convenient private French lessons in the comfort of my home. She paid attention to my language goals and tailored the lessons to my specific needs (a visit of Foreign relatives who do not speak English). Her friendly, encouraging teaching style put me at ease to improve my conversational French. She also taught me Spanish, in preparation for a trip to Argentina."
Nikki G.

"I am a busy practicing doctor and recently decided to learn French at the age of 55. I work and vacation in Paris 4-5 times a year and it is essential that I not only speak French, but do so with correct grammar, words, grace, and elegance. I also importantly need a teacher that is accommodating, flexible, kind, experienced, able to work with my schedule, and fully customize our lessons. Sandrine is the best teacher I have ever had as she provides all these and more. In addition, with all my questions about words, grammar, usage, context, and definitions, she has always had the correct and proper answer for me. She also knows well the fine balance between how much to push a student, and how much to let them do what they can. I am now a beginner conversationalist starting from nothing in a language that used to be overwhelming. I am learning French one word at a time and one lesson at a time and am thankful for all of Sandrine's great skills. I look forward to our every class"
Dr. J. Romano, MD

"Sandrine was the first and best teacher I had since going to Paris to study French as a beginner in 1999. She always made the learning fun for me and under her guidance my French improved dramatically. She is patient and fun, and knows her business. Now that she lives in San Francisco, she tutors my 15 year-old granddaughter."
Anne M.

Enjoy my blog!


Le réchauffement climatique menace-t-il les vins français?

Aujourd'hui, un texte pour les plus avancés (C1, C2). Il pose une question bien inquiétante: le réchauffement climatique menace-t-il nos vins? Vous en saurez plus en lisant ce qui suit.

Les vendanges © Viti-net


- La viticulture
- Le réchauffement climatique

Culture et société:
- L'importance de la viticulture en France
- Les questions environnementales

Exercice suggéré: Lecture active
- Replacez les 10 mots manquants (cf tableau ci-dessous) dans le texte
- Relevez les expressions intéressantes (en gras)

les 10 mots manquants:

Ombre et lumière des feuilles de vignes à l'automne. © Sandrine de Paris

L'article complet se trouve sur Viti-Net. Vous pouvez également lire cet autre article, paru dans Le Monde.

Comme toujours, si vous avez des questions, posez-les moi dans la section "commentaires". A bientôt!

Roots Racines: very first steps

Pick a lesson for you:

- Basic communication skills: interaction at the café/restaurant (part I)
- I: Je, Je suis, J'ai, Un, Une
- You: Tu es, Tu as, Vous êtes, Vous avez

A1 Beginnings

Pick a lesson :

Chanson :

Françoise Hardy: le premier bonheur du jour

May Day in France (+ er-ending verbs)

Grammaire :
To be, to have : être et avoir
Aller : to go
Passé composé (général)
Quelques participes passés irréguliers

Vocabulaire :
La description physique: cheveux, yeux (description: hair, eyes)
Les vêtements (clothes)
Body Parts - Ailments and Pains
Jardinage (vidéo)

Communication in situation :
Au café / at the café

A2: Autonomie

Choisissez votre leçon :

Chansons :
Françoise Hardy: le premier bonheur du jour

Vocabulaire :
Expressions Courantes 1
Expressions Courantes 2


Choisissez votre leçon :

Communication :
Au café / At the café

Vocabulaire :
La comparaison Plus, Moins, Autant, Aussi / Comparison = More, Less, As much as

Bonjour les B2!

Choisissez votre leçon :

Tests !
Test de connaissances 1
Test de connaissances 2
Test de connaissances 3

Vocabulaire :
Points divers. Contexte : Chanson de Dalida
Points divers. Contexte : Chanson de Jeanne Moreau

Culture :
Les miracles de Lourdes

Chanson :
Dalida : Il Venait d'avoir 18 ans
Jeanne Moreau : Le Tourbillon de la Vie

Grammaire :
La comparaison

La comparaison - Comparison


La leçon du jour porte sur les comparatifs. Plus que ? Moins que ? Autant ? Aussi ? Meilleur-e ? Mieux ?... Comment ça marche ?
Today's lesson is about comparatives. Que or de? Autant or aussi ? Mieux or meilleur-e? How does it work?

Ça marche comme ça:
Here's how it works:


"better" = "meilleur-e" ou "mieux"?

- Plus + l'adjectif bon/bonne >>> MEILLEUR/MEILLEURE
Stéphanie est meilleure cuisinière que Solange
( better as in "more good")
≠ Stéphanie est moins bonne cuisinière que Solange.

- Plus + l'adverbe bien >>> MIEUX
Tu travailles mieux que Julien
(better as in "more well")
≠ Tu travailles moins bien que Julien

et aussi:
- Pire = worse
Pas aussi mauvais = not as bad (adjectif)
Pas aussi bon = not as good (adj.)
Pas aussi mal = not as badly (adverb)
≠ Pas aussi bien
= not as well (adv.)

Autant de (choses) que = As many (things) as
Autant de (quelque chose) que = As much (of something) as
... autant que... = ... as much as ...
Aussi = As / Equally

Marie dort (=) __________ longtemps que son petit frère*
(c) Sandrine de Paris

Exercice pratique: replacez les mots manquants (à droite) dans les phrases. (En tenant compte des signes "+", "-" et "=".)
Practice: Place the missing words (on the right) in the sentences. (Taking into account the "+", "-" and "=" signs.)

Pour écouter ces phrases, cliquez sur "play".
To listen to the sentences, click play.

Pour écouter ces mêmes phrases en version plus rapide
(c'est à dire à un rythme normal), cliquez ici :
To listen to the same sentences read at a faster pace
(i.e. at a normal pace for French speakers) click here:

Voilà! Pour la solution, cliquez ici.
For the results, click here.

all material and images ©Sandrine de Paris


Choisissez votre leçon :

Texte de la presse :
Le réchauffement climatique menace-t-il les vins français ?

Grammaire :
Révisions 1

Vocabulaire :
Points divers (contexte : chanson de Jeanne Moreau, Jules et Jim)

Culture :
Les miracles de Lourdes


Choisissez votre leçon

Textes de la presse :
Environnement: Le réchauffement climatique menace-t-il les vins français ?
Société : Une rentrée écolo

Grammaire :
En cours... revenez bientôt ! -Ou faites-moi une suggestion à sandrinedeparis (at) rocketmail (point) com

Vocabulaire :
Points divers (contexte : chanson de Jeanne Moreau, Jules et Jim)

Chanson :
Jeanne Moreau : Le Tourbillon de la Vie

How to work with the lessons ?

How are the lessons organized?
There are (generally) 3 elements in a lesson:
Theory: grammar explanation, vocabulary, with relevant exemples to put things in context.
Practice exercise: to, well... practice and get better at it.
Audio: to listen to a real French person. Reading and listening at the same time is a very efficient way of memorizing.

How do I practice with your exercises?
There are several ways of making this work for you.
- You can start with learning the theory. Read, take notes, make sense of it with the examples. And then apply your new knowledge to the exercises.

- Or, you can start directly with an exercise, before reading the theory. Starting with an exercise is good: it helps you practice and develop your language intuition, a key element of language learning.

- You can start with listening to the Audio recording, if there is one. Listen to the sentences while reading them and doing the exercise. Or listen without reading and try to make sense of what you grasp. It's also a good way of developing your language intuition.

It's your lesson, your choice. Do what works best for you.

How can I be really efficient in my learning?Write down the sentences, the vocabulary, the grammar points on your French notebook that you carry everywhere, (you have one of those, n'est-ce pas?), your smart phone, or your computer.
Speak: Repeat the sentences, read aloud. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of reading aloud, of talking to yourself. Even if it's not perfect, it's good for you.

How do I know how I did on the exercises?
I post all the answers here, on a separate blog just for the responses (and some extra explanations.)

What are the Levels ?

I use the official levels of the Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The levels: A1 (beginner) A2 (pre-intermediate) B1, B2 (intermediate) C1, C2 (advanced). I added one, that I named R for "Racines", which means "Roots". It corresponds to complete beginner in French, and aims at providing a solid foundation on which to build.

How do I know my level?
If you are currently attending a French language programme, or studying at a University, you probably know your level. For all the other free learners, just pick what you think might be your level and experiment. You can self-assess your level by selecting a type of exercise entitled "Test", which mixes various grammar, vocabulary, cultural points.
If you find the "test" you are taking too challenging, move to the previous level, if you find it easy, just go up to the next level. (I'm working on putting up a bunch of tests, so if you visit regularly you should find a test for you).

Les chiffres français - Numbers in French

Aujourd'hui: un exercice sur les chiffres. Trouvez l'équivalent en lettres des chiffres (à droite). Amusez-vous bien!
Match the numbers on the right with their transcription. Enjoy!

Pour écouter ces chiffres, cliquez sur le bouton.
To listen to all those numbers, click Play.

Question subsidiaire: dans ce document se trouvent 3 dates importantes. Lesquelles? Répondez à cette question dans les commentaires.
Additional question: In this document are 3 important dates. Which ones?
Post your answers as comments!

A bientôt!

all original material ©Sandrine de Paris

Expressions Courantes 2 - Common Idiomatic Expressions 2

La leçon d'aujourd'hui est un méli-mélo d'expressions courantes que les Francophones utilisent tous les jours.
> augmentez votre vocabulaire et pratiquez votre écoute.

Today's French lesson is a "méli-mélo" of common expressions which francophones use everyday.
> increase your vocabulary, practice your listening skills.

Les enfants s'________ comme des fous! (Photo: © moi)

Votre travail est de
- replacer les verbes dans les phrases
- écouter la transcription.

Your job is:
- place the missing verbs in the sentences
- listen to the transcription.

Pour écouter, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous:
To listen, click on the button below:

Exercice numéro 1

Exercice numéro 2

Exercice numéro 3
Exercice numéro 4Exercice numéro 5

©2009 Sandrine de Paris

***Correction / Answers***
Vous avez fini? Bravo! Envoyez-moi un email à sandrinedeparis arobase rocketmail point com, et je vous enverrai la correction et la traduction!
You're done? Good job! Email me at sandrinedeparis at rocketmail dot com and I will send you the right answers and the translation!

*Photo: les enfants s'amusent comme des fous!


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