Conjugaisons of Irregular RE-ending verbs: Prendre (Audio) (audio)

SDPVerbesPrendre by sandrinedeparis
"Je comprends les maths!"

L'importance des conjugaisons.
Nous avons vu des verbes en RE réguliers(We have seen regular RE-ending verbs)

Maintenant, nous continuons avec des verbes en -RE irréguliers (Now we continue with irregular –RE verbs).

1- PRENDRE + ses dérivés
Prendre (to take)
+ Comprendre (to understand)
+ Apprendre (to learn)

NB: Au pluriel, leur conjugaison est différente des verbes réguliers.
(In the plural, their conjugation is different from regular verbs)
je prends ("prãh")
Robert Doisneau prend des photos
tu prends ("prãh")
elle/ il / on prend ("prãh")
nous prenons ("pruh-nõh")
vous prenez ("pruh-neh")
elles/ils prennent ("prenn")

NB: - In the singular, the "d" is silent, 
- In the plural, there is no "d", but the "n" is audible.

Pour "comprendre" et "apprendre", ajoutez les préfixes "com" et "ap". For "comprendre" and "apprendre", add the préfixes "com" and "ap".
je comprends
tu comprends 
elle/il/on comprend 
nous comprenons 
vous comprenez 
elles/ils comprennent
tu apprends 
elle/il/on apprend 
nous apprenons 
vous apprenez 
elles/ils apprennent

Nous prenons le soleil

Nous prenons le soleil (We "take the sun" = We sunbathe)
J’apprends le français (I am learning French) 
Tu comprends la question (You understand the question) 
Je ne comprends pas la leçon (I don't understand the leçon)

Conjuguez et traduisez (conjugate and translate)
1- Je _____________ le bus. (take)
2- Vous _________________ le problème. (understand)
3- Ils _________________ l'anglais (learn)
4- Au café, elle _________________ un verre de vin. (take)
5- Nous n' _________________ pas le piano, nous ________________ la guitare! (learn)
6- Tu _________________ des photos magnifiques. (take)
7- Pour le déjeuner (lunch), elle _________________ un sandwich. (take)
8- Je ne _________________ pas... Vous pouvez répéter? (understand)
9- Ils _________________ mon accent. (understand)
10- À Paris, nous _________________ toujours le métro. (take)

Pour la correction, cliquez ici.
Stay tuned for more irregular -RE ending verbs...

Toutes les photos sont de Robert Doisneau.

Sandy: suivez-la en français

la carte du passage de Sandy
Sandy, l'ouragan qui secoue la côte Est des États-Unis a déjà occasionné des dégâts et fait des victimes dans la zone des Antilles

À part les Antilles, la tempête touche d'autres zones francophones puisque sa trajectoire atteint le sud-est du Canada. 

Vous pouvez suivre son passage en français sur:
- le site web de Radio Canada,
- le journal en ligne, qui vous tient au courant de l'évolution de Sandy en temps réel, et vous propose même des vidéos.

Les spécialistes de l'environnement lient (=link) la puissance extrême de celle qu'on nomme la "Frankenstorm" au réchauffement planétaire 
(=global warming), résultat de l'action humaine sur le climat.

Bon courage à ceux et celles qui affrontent l'ire (=la colère) de Sandy.

au sujet du vin français (incl. article in English)

Les délicieux vins de la Colline de l'hirondelle.
(Scroll down for the interview in English)
Je suis sûre que vous aimez lire des blogs bilingues pour pratiquer et améliorer votre français.

Si vos centres d'intérêts, comme les miens, sont éclectiques, il existe sur la Toile de quoi combler (fulfill) la plupart de vos désirs.

La bonne adresse bilingue du jour, c'est le site de la Colline de l'hirondelle, des producteurs de vins du Sud de la France.

Grâce à Jenn Buck et Didier Ferrier, mes amis vignerons (winemakers) installés à Douzens, en Languedoc, non seulement j'ai la chance de pouvoir déguster plein de bons crusmais en plus, j'apprends plein de choses sur le vin.

Jenn et moi vendant du vin
au marché de Lagrasse.
Jenn et Didier font des vins biologiques qui ne portent pas l'appellation de référence AOC; ils préfèrent la désignation Vins de France. Pourquoi? Ils exposent leurs raisons ici.

Ils évoquent aussi un dossier du journal Libération dédié aux femmes dans le milieu du vin, et en particulier la passionnante interview d'Isabelle Legeron une "Master of Wine" française, présentatrice de télévision en Angleterre et vigneronne en Géorgie, qui critique elle aussi la désignation AOC.

Je vous propose de lire cette interview en français, sur le journal Libération. Pour vous aider à comprendre, j'en ai fait une traduction en anglais:

I want to be
Isabelle's best friend
English version of Isabelle Legeron's interview
Based in London, where she hosts a TV show on natural wines, Isabelle Legeron is the only Frenchwoman who holds the famous "Master of Wine" degree. But this high distinction does not prevent her from speaking her mind about the world of wine, the AOC label or Georgian amphorae ...


In an environment awash in acronyms and distinctions, few initials have as much weight and prestige as an “MW” next to a name. For the uninitiated, MW means that Isabelle Legeron holds a "Master of Wine", an English degree granted after arduous studies to the most savvy of wine connoisseurs. She is the only Frenchwoman so far to have earned the title. But seeing her sitting at a cafe in the Marais, huddled in her hoodie, one feels far (thankfully!) from the stuffy milieu of fine winetastings.

Before becoming a MW, Isabelle Legeron, daughter and granddaughter of winemakers, who spends her weekends picking mushrooms or excavating on the banks of the Thames, is first and foremost as natural as the wines she stands for.

Apologizing for not speaking French as well as she would like (she’s lived in London for twenty years), she tells, unafraid to speak her mind or go into flights of lyricism, the unusual story of a “crazy french woman”.

You were born into a winemaking family, but have discovered the wine in England. Isn’t this paradoxical? 
Yes! My family has a vineyard in Cognac, they distill and sell to big houses, and as a kid, I would spend my Wednesdays (days off in French schools NDT) and Saturdays in the vineyards. But I wanted to escape that environment. I have a degree in languages and business, and then ten years ago, my origins caught up with me. I started getting interested in wine making, I worked as a guide in the vineyards, and I launched a wine tasting business, Winelab, before starting the Master of Wine adventure.
It was in England that I discovered the, let’s say "intellectual" side of wine. When I got there, I did not even know that a Burgundy wine was made with Chardonnay ...

Why attempting the dreadful Master of Wine, where the anointed are few and far between, including amongst the French? 
At that time, in addition to Winelab I had a consulting business, and I was trying to start a TV show about wine for the Travel Channel. I worked independently and wanted it to remain that way, and the MW is a way to meet people. Once you're an MW, you're part of a club. We are about three hundred in the world, and three of us are French.
But if I had known the success rate was so low (7%), I wouldn’t have done it! For four years, I spent all my evenings and my weekends on it. The exams at the end of the second year are dreadful, especially the tasting part: for three days, every morning, you blind-taste twelve wines, it’s by deduction process that you can recognize each of them, according to acidity, aromatic profile, alcohol proof , the affinity to wood -is it new wood, old wood, American... All these elements can be used to guess the origin of the wine.
This requires a personal investment, you have to go and visit vineyards, taste the wines. I had an international knowledge of wines from the US, South Africa, Spain, and it helped me. This is one reason why there are so few French people who are MW, I believe: they don’t have access to this diversity.

Then you went on to doing a television show on wine called “That Crazy French Woman” ... 
Indeed. The other MWs think I'm a bit eccentric! (Laughs). In general, they become buyers, or consultants for restaurants or wineries. However, I believe that it is only when you master a subject extremely well, when you have a very classical training, that you can really escape constraint... Over the years, I realized that wine had become an intellectual practice for me, it was no longer about pleasure.
This, to me, is what is wrong with my trade, with wine professionals. Many are in it for the pleasant lifestyle , the soirées, the visits to vineyards, the tastings to grade and label wines, the vertical tastings of Petrus ...
But shortly after my MW, I realized that the only wines that gave me emotion were those made on lands teeming with life, by winemakers with integrity, who use very little additives. I regret that wine is no longer a fresh product, that it is expected to always taste the same year after year, to always remain the same, when wine should be the reflection of a particular year, rainy or hot. These are the values that I want to defend in That Crazy French Woman.

Why do you think the world of wine has become too serious? 
I think it is over-educated. There is this idea that you have to be knowledgeable about wine to enjoy it, which is silly. I reach to a lot of consumers through my tastings, and it is with people who know the least that I have the most fun, they are more open-minded.

What is your view on the world of wine in France? 
What surprises me here, especially in articles about wine, is the sanctification, the romanticism about wine, the lack of critical distance. I feel that people do not have the freedom to say that a wine is not good. But you have to be grounded to talk about wine : it is, after all, an agricultural product! Wine is not the design of a cellar...
For a while in London, I worked with a French bank whose employees always wanted to taste French wines, and kept telling me that they knew producers, or that I should have selected so and so... They felt compelled to know about wine, because wine is so French that it allows no freedom to be interested in something else.
And even if there is snobbery in Britain, and a taste for the Grands Crus, there are also very open-minded people who have fun with wine, more than in France. There is also something quite surprising in France, when you go for a tasting at a winemaker: you actually very rarely end up in the vineyards. You visit the cellar, you see the winery, and tasting ends without you ever seeing a vine. "Really? Want to see the vineyards? Why? "

However, France is also a place of renewal for natural wines ... 
elle fait du vin dans des amphores
Yes, that is true, there are some great things happening here and in Italy, more than elsewhere. There are people like Alexander Bain in Pouilly, or Sébastien Riffault in Sancerre, who plow with horses, and return to the roots of the trade.
Even if the scandalous AOC system should be abolished: when you’re a young producer in a certain type of wine, when you makes wines that are "atypical" and that, for that reason, you do not get the right to the AOC designation, it is a disaster.
This is why I love the designations Vins de France, Vin de Table, Vin de Pays, this is where you find the people who want to get super creative, who want to get out of the shackles of the prehistoric AOC .

You recently started making wine in Eastern Europe? 
Yes, wine in amphorae, in Georgia. It is a specialty of orange wines, macerated on skin, amber-colored and very tannic. They age in clay pots, and you can feel hints of dry sage, dry thyme. It's very original! The best amphorae wines are Italian now, but Georgia is the cradle of European vineyards. It was there that the first vineyard domestication occurred and the first winemaking. There is a tradition of personal winemaking, everyone has a cellar under their house, with amphorae buried there. A few friends and I rent a vineyard, and we bought old amphorae to make our wine Lagvinari, which will hopefully produce four thousand bottles this year. We would like to work with a female student, and train the first woman winemaker in Georgia!

What is the role of women in the world of wine today? 
I've never had a problem as a woman, never a negative experience, even if it is true that it is a male-dominated field. The wine trade and farm labor were traditionally men's jobs. I think speaking of women's wine is super limiting, but I notice that there are more women in "small" regions or in unconventional ventures. In the Languedoc Roussillon or the Loire for example, there are great opportunities, people are not yet established, there may be less preconceived ideas. It is probably easier to start without capital. You can therefore find a greater proportion of women than in conventional, most prestigious areas. And now that I make my own wine, I realize that it’s necessary to have a sensitivity to the passing of life, to aromas. And perhaps women have an open mind and a kind of gentleness that makes their task easier. But don’t be fooled, all the women I know who do great wine, from Elisabetta Foradori to Mylène Bru, have very strong personalities. To be respected as a woman in this environment and be taken seriously, you’ve got to have faith!

Video: une publicité pour le visiophone

avant Skype, il y avait le visiophone

Voici une publicité pour un produit de France Télécom (une grande compagnie téléphonique française): un visiophone.
Here is an advertisement for a product of France Telecom (a large French telephone company): a videophone.

La publicité date de quelques années, avant l'arrivée massive de l'ordinateur personnel et d'Internet dans les maisons. The ad is from a few years back, before the mass arrival of the personal computer and the Internet in the home.

1) Regardez la vidéo : que se passe-t-il?
Watch the video: What's happening?
2) Écoutez les dialogues : que comprenez-vous?
 Listen to the dialogue: What do you understand?
3) Écoutez les dialogues en lisant la transcription.
Listen to the dialogue while reading the transcript.
4) Lisez la traduction. / Read the translation.

-  Hugo, c'est pour toi.
- Salut Hugo! Alors, il paraît que tu voulais me dire quelque chose?
- Euh...
- C'est Juliette à la récré qui m'a dit que tu voulais me dire un truc!
- Euh ... je voulais juste te dire que, euh ... bon bah, il faut que je te laisse hein, euh, je dois y aller, euh, salut!
Ma Ligne Visio: c'est mieux de se voir quand on se parle.

vocabulaire :
il paraît que = it seems that / apparently
récré = abbrevation de "récréation" (=recess)
un truc (argot) = a thing / something 
il faut que je te laisse / je dois y aller => I gotta go

la traduction:

- Hugo, it 's for you.
- Hi Hugo! So, it seems that you wanted to tell me something?
- Uh ... - At recess Juliet told me that you wanted to tell me something!
- Uh ... I just wanted to say that, uh ... well, I must leave you, uh, uh, I gotta go, uh, bye!
My Visio Line: it's better to see one another when we speak / "one speaks to each other".

Conjugaison: RE-ending verbs (audio)

REEndingVerbsRegular by sandrinedeparis

J'entends la mer! I hear the sea!
©Robert Doisneau
En français, il est important de bien connaître les conjugaisons des verbes.  In French, it is important to know well the verb conjugations.

Cela demande souvent un effort de mémorisation -et un peu de pratique, mais ça vaut vraiment la peine. This often requires an effort of memorization -and a bit of practice, but it is well worth the effort. 

Aujourd'hui, nous conjugons des verbes dont l'infinitif se termine en "RE". 
Today, we conjugate verbs whose infinitive ends in "RE". 

 RE-ending verbs : Les verbes réguliers - The regular verbs. 
→ drop the RE and replace with s* / s* / - / ons / ez / ent* 
Attendre (to wait / to wait for) 
- j'attends, tu attends, il / elle attend (all pronounced "ah-tãh")
- nous attendons, vous attendez, ils /elles attendent ("ent" ending is silent)

-->  singulier: D is silent! 
--> pluriel: D is audible ! 

NB: "Attendre" does not mean "to attend", it means "to wait"

Entendre (to hear) 
- j'entends, tu entends, il / elle entend 
- nous entendons, vous entendez, ils / elles entendent 
Ils vendent des oranges

Répondre (to answer, to respond) 
- je réponds, tu réponds, il / elle répond 
- nous répondons, vous répondez, ils / elles répondent 

Vendre (to sell) 
- je vends, tu vends, il / elle vend 
- nous vendons, vous vendez, ils / elles vendent 

 Descendre (to go down, to descend)
- je descends, tu descends, il / elle descend
- nous descendons, vous descendez, ils / elles descendent 

Exercice : conjuguez le verbe et traduisez la phrase (and translate the sentence)
(and find the correction by clicking on a link below)
1- Nous _______________ à la question. (respond)
2- Vous _______________ l'escalator. (go down)
3- Je _________________ des fruits et des légumes (sell)
4- Tu n'________________ pas la radio. (hear)
5- Elle  _______________ le bus. (wait for)
6- Ils _______________ de l'avion. (go down)
7- Je ne ________________ pas à votre question. (respond)
8- Vous _______________ la fin du film. (wait for)
9- Il  _______________ les voitures dans la rue. (hear)
10- Tu _______________ des oranges au marché. (sell)

Pour la correction
cliquez ici.

Click here to continue with irregular RE-ending verbs : prendre, apprendre, comprendre.
Aujourd'hui 5 octobre, c'est la Journée Mondiale des Enseignant-e-s!
Today October 5th is World Teacher's Day!

Bonne fête à nous, les profs!

"C'est ma fête!"

La fabrication d'une publicité pour Cartier

la panthère sur les toits de Paris
Avez-vous vu l'époustouflante publicité pour le joaillier Cartier montrant l'Odyssée d'une panthère? Le félin traverse déserts brûlants et montagnes enneigées pour se retrouver sur les toits de Paris.

Have you seen the breathtaking advertisement for the jeweler Cartier showing the Odyssey of a panther? The feline passes through scorching deserts and snow-capped mountains and ends up on the roofs of Paris.

Le film, mélange d'images réelles (de vrais animaux par exemple) et d'effets spéciaux, crée un univers magique.
The film, a mixture of real images (real animals, for example) and special effects, creates a magical universe.

Voici la publicité :

Un documentaire a été réalisé pour nous expliquer la création du film publicitaire, en français sous-titré en anglais. 
A documentary was made to explain the making of the commercial, in French subtitled in English.

Voici le "making off" de la publicité:

La mode est éphémère...

le style de Betty la parisienne
...le style est éternel.

Internet héberge une profusion de blogs dédiés à la mode. De l'ado aux moyens modestes à la femme d'affaires qui tutoie les grands noms, les blogueuses abondent. Qu'elles bloguent pour exprimer leur créativité, pour chercher à émuler Anna Wintour ou qu'elles aspirent à devenir des célébrités de la Toile, elles sont toutes passionnées.

Internet hosts a profusion of blogs dedicated to fashion. From the teen with modest means to the business woman, who says "tu" to the big names, the bloggers abound. Whether they blog to express their creativity, to try and emulate Anna Wintour or whether they aspire to become Web celebrities, they are all passionate.

Qu'il s'agisse d'une vocation ou d'un goût personnel, que la mode soit votre gagne-pain ou votre dada, voici qui vous intéressera.
Be it a vocation or a personal taste, whether fashion is your bread-and-butter or your hobbyhorse, here is something of interest.

Commençons par la partie visible de l'iceberg, le produit final: les vêtements. Il est indispensable de connaître d'abord le vocabulaire de base. Une fois ces mots acquis, vous pourrez passer aux choses sérieuses. La Petite Blogueuse, une expatriée australienne en France puis en Suisse a, dans son blog Ma Nouvelle Vie en France, compilé un nombre impressionnant de termes et nous propose une liste plutôt exhaustive.
les blogueuses Andréa et Sandy
Let start with the tip of the iceberg, the final product: the clothes. it is indispensable to know the basic vocabulary. Once these words acquired, you will be able to get down to business. La Petite Blogueuse, an Australian expat in France then Switzerland has, on her blog "My New Life in France", compiled an impressive number of terms and offers us a pretty complete list.

Outre le site de Garance Doré, il existe bien d'autres blogs bilingues. Sur le Blog de Betty, par exemple, vous pouvez à la fois trouver des idées de looks et perfectionner votre français.
Other than Garance Dore's website, there exist many bilingual blogs. On le Blog de Betty, you can at the same time find style ideas and perfect your French.

Betty a partagé son voyage aux États-Unis, allez donc voir ce qu'elle en dit.
Betty shared about her US trip, go see what she says about it.

Si vous voulez plus de lecture, Brain Magazine a repertorié 10 types de blogueuses mode.
If you want more reading, Brain Magazine identified 10 types of fashion bloggers.

Et si l'aspect "business" de la mode vous intéresse, rendez-vous sur le site professionnel de l'UFIH, l'Union Française des Industries de l'Habillement.

"À la mode" se traduit par "in fashion", "fashionable".
Le terme "look" est un anglicisme très usité. "Il devrait changer de look" / "J'adore son nouveau look"
en bon français, vous pouvez utiliser "style" ou "apparence".
Un défilé (= lit: a march, a parade) est la traduction de fashion show.
Une tendance = a trend
"tendance" s'utilise souvent au lieu d'un adjectif pour signifier "trendy". "C'est la couleur tendance de la saison"


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